Jun 24Liked by Aidan Jones

Oooooh the proverbial hoop! As someone who’s worked in Hollywood most of her life that hoop has been twofold.

I’ve seen people who prefer to be in front of the camera hang around too many “flavor of the month” hoops and hop through burning, swelling, “eat you alive” hoops on daily basis. This has made it abundantly clear to me that that kind of life is not for me. I won’t turn into a pumpkin or grow 7” overnight because someone else wants me to.

I know who I am, I like who I am and I am the person I care about the most, and I am the one who always comes first. That’s where the second part of the hoop comes in.

As a mother I have heard bazillion times that my kids should always come first. Ok, but if I don’t take care of me first and I fall apart then who’s going to take care of them? There’s a reason they say before takeoff 🛫 to “put your own oxygen mask on first before helping children”.

I love to find hoops to hang around. They’re my favorite! I love inspiring, joyful, “let’s do this together” hoops. Nothing better than finding hoops that lift you up and make you feel like you are exactly where you’re supposed to be.

Here’s to a wonderful week! 🙌🏽

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Some really great insights here.

Thanks for reading!! 😌

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